Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
Structural and Earthquake Engineering

Research Projects
Uzun Süre ve Farklı Seviyelerde Eksenel Yüke Maruz Kalmıs Mevcut Yetersiz Kolonların Deprem Performansı,TUBITAK Project, 119M623, Project Coordinator, 2019-2022. (526.107.- TL – 85.000 Euro)
Standart Altı Betonarme Yapı Elemanlarının Deprem Performansı ve Deprem Performansının Iyilestirilmesi için Yeni Malzemelerin Kullanımı, TUBITAK 2521 – Pakistan Bilim ve Teknoloji Bakanlıgı ile Isbirligi Programı, 118M261,Project Coordinator,2019-2021. (356.500 TL – 58.000 Euro)
Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe-SERA; Infills and Masonry Structures Protected by Deformable Polyurethanes in Seismic Areas (INMASPOL), Partner No:2, Coordinator,2018-2019. (80.000 Euro)
Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls Designed and Constructed Prior to Enforcement of the Recent Seismic Design Codes, TUBITAK Project (Rapid Support), 217M617, Researcher, 2018-2019. (25.960.- TL – 5.000 Euro)
Rapid Seismic Risk Assessment for Substandard Buildings and A Framework for Post-Earthquake Disaster Management, TUBITAK-RCUK International Bilateral Research Project, 216M379, Project Coordinator, 2017-2019. (697.960.- TL – 175.000 Euro)
Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns Exposed to Fire Damage, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2016-2017. (14.700.- TL)
Parametric Investigation of Chemical Anchors, supported by HILTI, Project Coordinator, 2016-2017. (325.000.- TL – 90.000.- Euro)
Demonstration of Efficiency of FRP Retrofitting on Full-Scale Sub-Standard RC Buildings through Reversed Cyclic Collapse Tests, supported mainly by DowAksa and Yalova Governership, Project Coordinator, 2016.
Usability of Concrete Made using Recycled Agregate (RCA) for Reinforced Concrete Columns, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2015-2017. (15.000.- TL)
Use of Recycled Concrete in New Buildings, TUBITAK-NSF Project, 115M029, Project Coordinator, 2015-2016. (200.250.- TL ~ 70.000.- USD)
Pilot Studies on Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Historical Structures in Istanbul towards Risk Reduction, ISTKA-2013/AFT, Istanbul Development Agency, 2014-2015. Project Advisor, (770.000.- TL ~ 350.000.- USD)
Impact Performance of RC Members and Improvement of Impact Performance through FRP composites, TUBITAK Project, 114M087, Project Coordinator, 2014-2015. (28.814.- TL)
Assessment of Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings with Full-Scale Tests, ISTKA-2012/AFT, Istanbul Development Agency, 2013-2014. Project Coordinator, (664.300.- TL ~ 350.000.- USD)
Enhancement of the flexural behavior of support region of beams under reversed cyclic loads by using advanced materials, TUBITAK Project, 113M112, Project Advisor, 2013-2014. (28.800.- TL)
Enhancement of Strength and Ductility of Rectangular Columns of Existing Buildings with FRP Composites, TUBITAK Project, 111M431, Project Coordinator, 2011-2013. (24.940.- TL)
EU-FP-7, Series Project, Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies, Project Leader in ITU, 2009-2013. (4 million EUR, ITU: 178.500 EUR)
Retrofit of Joints of 3D Reinforced Concrete Frames with Innovative Materials, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2010-2012. (50.000.- TL)
EU, FP-7, Safecast Project, Performance of Innovative Mechanical Connections in Precast Buildings Structures under Seismic Conditions, ITU Representative with Prof. Karadogan, 2009-2012. (3 million EUR, ITU: 320.000 EUR)
Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Corroded Reinforcement using Advanced Materials, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2009. (11.950.- TL).
Determination of Masonry Wall Shear Strength by Testing And Strengthening, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2008-2009. (11.740.- YTL).
The Performance of Chemical Anchors Used in Retrofitting of Structures, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2007-2008. (4000.- YTL).
Retrofit of Beam-Column Joints of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Innovative Materials, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2007. (2500.- YTL).
Retrofit of beam-column connections using innovative materials, TUBITAK Project, 106M054, Project Coordinator, 2006-2009. (284.760.- YTL)
Low strength concrete members retrofitted with HPFRCC Panels, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2005-2006.
Concrete members retrofitted with HPFRCC Panels, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project Coordinator, 2005-2006.
Effect of concrete strength on the bond strength of composites used for retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Researcher, 2005-2006.
Effect of concrete mixture and permeability on reinforcement corrosion, TUBITAK Project, MAG-I686, Researcher, 2004-2006.
Repair and Strengthening of Damaged and Undamaged Reinforced Concrete Members with Inadequate Lateral Reinforcement and/or Lap Splice Deficiency, TUBITAK Project, ICTAG-I585, Project Coordinator, 2002-2004. (7.500.000.000.- TL)
Behavior of Concrete Jacketed with CFRP Sheets, Turkish Earthquake Foundation, Project No. 01-AP-118, Project Coordinator, 2001-2002. (1.700.000.000.- TL)
Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Wrapped Concrete, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project No. 1607, Project Coordinator, 2001. (4.700.000.000.- TL)
Development of Retrofitting Techniques for Existing Structures, TUBITAK Project, ICTAG-I575, Researcher, 2001-2004. (~200.000 USD)
Behavior of Repaired and Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Columns, TUBITAK Project, INTAG-568, Researcher, 2000-2002. ( TL)
Restructuring of Turkish Fire Brigades, Ministry of Interior, Istanbul Technical University, Turkish Fire Brigades Association, Researcher, 2001-2002. (~60.000 USD)
Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members under Repeated Loding, TÜBÄ°TAK Project, INTAG-559, Researcher, 1998-1999. (250.000.000.- TL)
Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members under Repeated Loding, Istanbul Technical University Research Fund, Project No. 920, Researcher, 1997-1999. (250.000.000.- TL)