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Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Structural and Earthquake Engineering


Conference Papers


International Conference Papers


B193. Gundogan, S., A. Baltaci, U. Demir, O.T. Turan, A. Ilki, “Seismic performance of substandard RC columns subjected to high axial stresses”, 6th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Kocaeli, 13-15 Oct, 2021.


B192. Bayrak, O.F., M. Ispir, C. Demir, I. Dalyan, O. Dabanli, A. Ilki, “Preliminary analysis of a representative historical minaret for preparation to shake table tests”, 6th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Kocaeli, 13-15 Oct, 2021.


B191. Ilki, A., E. Tore, C. Demir, M. Comert, “Current trend and relevant on-going activities in Turkey with a focus on specific incentives for seimic improvement of existing buildings”, Decennale dell’Associazione ISI – Ingegneria Sismica Italiana, Earthquake engineering in the Mediterrenean area: studies, Technologies and opportunities for a common growth, Rome, 14 Oct, 2021. (invited lecture)


B190. Ilki, A., T. Kahraman, S. Ozkan, H.H. Aydogdu, C. Demir, M. Comert, “Seismic risk assessment of building stock in Istanbul,” ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 6-8 Sep, 2021. (keynote lecture)


B189. Demir, C., O.F. Halici, A.N. Sanver, M. Comert, F. Kuran, N. Berlucchi, A. Hurata, A. Ilki, “Structural assessment of the 13th century Great Mosque and Hospital of Divrigi: A World heritage listed structure,” SAHC 2021, 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 29 Sep-1 Oct, 2021.


B188. Kian, N., U. Demir, A.O. Ates, C. Demir, M. Marasli, A. Ilki, “Seismic strengthening of substandard RC columns under high axial stress/high shear demand using sprayed GFRM,” CICE 2020/2021, 10th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 8-10 December, 2021.


B187. Demir, M.N., U. Demir, C. Demir, A. Ilki, “Seismic performance of CFRP jacketed sub-standard RC columns under high axial stress and shear demand,” CICE 2020/2021, 10th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 8-10 December, 2021.


B186. Akbas, T.T., O.C. Celik, C. Yalcin, A. Ilki, “Experimental study on comparison of cyclic bond behavior of ribbed and sand-coated CFRP bars in high strength concrete,” CICE 2020/2021, 10th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 8-10 December, 2021.


B185. Rousakis, T., A. Kwiecien, A. Viskovic, A. Ilki, P. Tiller, B. Ghiassi, A. Benedetti, M. Gams, Z. Rakicevic, O.F. Halici, B. Zajac, L. Hojdys, P. Krajewski, F. Rizzo, C. Colla, E. Gabrielli, A. Sapalidis, E. Papadouli, V. Vanian, A. Bogdanovic, “Quick reperation of infills in RC frames after seismic damages-Experimental tests on shaking table,” CICE 2020/2021, 10th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 8-10 December, 2021.


B184. Luleci, M.C., B. Sari, U. Demir, M. Marasli, A. Ilki, “Seismic behavior of sub-standard extended rectangular RC columns jacketed with sprayed GFRM,” COMPDYN 2021, 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Athens, 27-30 June, 2021.


B183. Narlitepe, F., N. Kian, U. Demir, C. Demir, A. Ilki, “Seismic strengthening of sub-standard RC columns through a novel hybrid thin jacketing,” fib Symposium 2021, Concrete Structures: New trends for eco-efficiency and performance, Lisbon, 14-16 June, 2021.


B182. Durgut, E., M. Ispir, C. Demir, O.T. Turan, A. Ilki, “Bursa Hocaalizade Cami minaresinin deprem performansının doÄŸrusal ve doÄŸrusal olmayan analiz yaklaşımları ile incelenmesi-Investigation of seismic performance of minaret of Bursa Hocaalizade Mosque through linear and nonlinear analysis approaches,” 9th Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, 2-3 June, 2021.


B181. Yildirim, S., A. Mahdavi, A. Ilki, B. Erkus, Y.I. Tonguc, “550 yıllık bir tarihi camiinin su taÅŸkını ve deprem risklerine karşı korunması-Seismic and flood protection of a 550-year-old mosque” 9th Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, 2-3 June, 2021.


B180. Demir, U., A. Baltaci, A. Ilki, “Numerical modelling of post-fire seismic behavior of RC columns using OpenSees framework,” 9th Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, 2-3 June, 2021.


B179. Kwiecien, A., Z. Rakicevic, A. Bogdanovic, F. Manojlovski, A. Poposka, A. Shoklarovski, T. Rousakis, A. Ilki, M. Gams, A. Viskovic, “PUFJ and FRPU earthquake protection of infills tested in resonance,” 1CroCEE, 1st Croation Conference Earthquake Engineering, Zagreb, 22-24 March, 2021.


B178. Ilki, A., O.F. Halici, E. Kupcu, M. Comert, C. Demir, “Modifications on seismic damage assessment system of TCIP based on reparability,” 17WCEE, The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, 2020-2021.


B177. Dalgic, K.D.,  D.B. Gulen,  S. Acikgoz,  H. Burd,  M.A.N.  Hendriks,  G.  Giardina, A. Ilki, “Large scale experimental settlement tests to evaluate structural models for tunnelling-induced damage analysis,” 16thInternational Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG 2021: Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics, Torino, 5-8 May, 2021.


B176. Genes, M.C., C. Demir, A. Ilki, “Seismic design of masonry buildings in TBEC-2018,” Kerpic’20-Healthy Buildings: The Role of Earthen Materials on Providing Healthy and Sustainable Indoor Environment, 8th International Conference, Istanbul, 26-27 November, 2020.


B175. Rousakis, T., E. Papadouli, A. Sapalidis, V. Vanian, A. Ilki, O.F. Halici, A. Kwiecien, B. Zajac, L. Hojdys, P. Krajewski, M. Tekieli, T. Akyildiz, A. Viskovic, F. Rizzo, M. Gams, P. Tiller, B. Ghiassi, A. Benedetti, C. Colla, Z. Rakicevic, A. Bogdanovic, F. Manojlovski, A. Soklarovski, “Flexible joints between RC frames and masonry infill for improved seismic performance-Shake table tests,” 17th IB2MaC, 17th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Krakow, 5-8 July, 2020.


B174. Bedirhanoglu, I., A. Ilki, T. Triantafillou, “Effecy of pre-damage on the seismic behaviour of FRP-retrofitted sub-standard short columns,”  APFIS 2019, the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures, Gold Coast, 10-13 December, 2019.


B173. Ilki, A., I. Saribas, C. Goksu, “Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete members built with recycled aggregate,” 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Disaster Management, Van, 25-27 October, 2019. (keynote lecture).     


B172. Ilki, A., U. Demir, “Prediction of seismic response of fire-damaged RC columns,“ 5thInternational Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology-Haluk Sucuoglu Symposium, 8-11 October, 2019. (invited lecture).


B171. Ilki, A., U. Yazgan, C. Demir, A.O. Ates, E. Kupcu, G. Unal, M.A. Altinok, B. Karakaya, F. Narlitepe, “Development of a framework for rapid earthquake risk assessment for substandard buildings in Turkey,” 2ndInternational Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Novel Researches, Istanbul, 20 September, 2019. (invited lecture).  


B170. Yazgan, U., A. Ilki, C. Demir, A.O. Ates, E. Kupcu, G. Unal, M.A. Altinok, B. Karakaya, F. Narlitepe, ”Challenges in develoing seismic vulnerability models for substandard building stocks in Turkey,” 2ndInternational Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Novel Researches, Istanbul, 20 September, 2019. (invited lecture).  


B169. Aydin, S., O.A. Sisman, A. Ilki, H. Lus, A. Ceccotti, “Comparison of a mid-rise reinforced concrete and a cross-laminated timber building designed for minimum seismic damage,” 2019 SECED Conference, Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a resiliant world, London, 9-10 September 2019.


B168. Cakman, M., U. Harmankaya, B. Barutcu, P.I. Kocak, A. Ilki, A. Kaslilar, “Spectral analysis of vibrations of ITU TRIGA MARK-II nuclear research reactor building, Istanbul, Turkey,” Near Surface Geosicence Conference and Exhibition 2019, The Hague, 8-12 September, 2019.


B167. Sisman, O.A., A. Isikara, A. Ilki, “Strengthening glued laminated non-circular timber columns with CFRP jacketing,” 5thInternational Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR 2019), Potsdam, 27-29 August, 2019.


B166. Aydogdu, H.H., A. Ilki, “An overview of research on SMAs with a focus on seismic risk mitigation,” 5thInternational Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR 2019), Potsdam, 27-29 August, 2019.


B165. Demir, U., G. Unal, A.F. Sert, R.O. Calis, A. Ilki, “Influence of FRP repair on the axial behavior of fire damaged concrete,” 5thInternational Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR 2019), Potsdam, 27-29 August, 2019.


B164. Demir, U., G. Unal, E. Binbir, A. Ilki, “Cyclic behavior of full-scale RC columns externally jacketed with FRP sheets after fire,” COMPDYN 2019, 7thECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, 24-26 June, 2019.


B163. Demir, U., G. Unal, U. Celik, A. Ilki, “Axial behavior of square RC columns repaired with FRP sheets after fire,” fib Symposium 2019-Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, Krakow, 27-29 May, 2019.


B162. Demir, U., C. Goksu, G. Unal, A. Ilki, “Impact of fire exposure on seismic behavior of reinforced concrete columns,” 7th Structural Engineers World Congress 2019, Istanbul, 24-26 April, 2019.


B161. Ilki, A., U. Demir, “Factors affecting the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete structures after fire exposure,” The First South Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (SACEE 2019), Karachi, 21-22 Feb, 2019. (keynote lecture).


B160. Bedirhanoglu, I., A. Ilki, ”Fiber reinforced cementitious composites for retrofit of reinforced concrete members-A review,” International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Seismic Practices, Istanbul, 16 November, 2018. (invited lecture).  


B159. Bas, S., O. Karakus, O. Ceylan, A. Ilki, ”Structural analysis and monitoring suggestions for an 11thcentury shipwreck,” SAHC 2018, 11th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Cusco, 11-13 September, 2018.  


B158.Halici, O.F., K.D. Dalgic, O. Ozeren, K. Ugurlu, C. Demir, M. Comert, A. Ilki, ”From experiments to seismic design rules for structures built with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete panels,” Sixth International Conference on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, Potsdam, 4-6 September, 2018.  


B157. Sisman, O.A., A. Isikara, E. Binbir, A. Ilki, ”Compressive behavior of medium strength circular glue laminated timber columns jacketed with FRP sheets,” CICE 2018, 9thInternational Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, Paris, 17-19 July, 2018.  


B156. Bas, S., N.M. Apaydın, A. Ilki, N. Catbas, “Hanger replacement effect: experimental and numerical investigation on the Bosphorus bridge,” IABMAS 2018, 9thInternational Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Melbourne, 9-13 July, 2018.


B155. Saribas, I., C. Goksu, A. Ilki, ”Seismic performance of reinforced concrete columns built with recycled concrete aggregate,” ERMCO Congress 2018, European Ready Mixed Concrete Organization, Oslo, 7-8 June, 2018. 


B154. Ilki, A., E. Tore, C. Demir, M. Comert, “Seismic performance of retrofitted sub-standard RC buildings,” 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 14-17 June, 2018. (invited theme lecture).


B153. Ahunbay, Z., G. Altay, G. Arun, O. Aldemir, Z. Celep, M.A. Erberik, A. Ilki, F. Kuran, Z.G. Unal, F. Akoz, N. Olgun, M. Simsek, Y. Kaya, Y. Ucar, “The Turkish Guideline for Earthquake Risk Management of Historical Structures,” 6th International Conference on Preservation and Consolidation of Historical Structures, Trabzon, 2-4 November, 2017.


B152. Bal, I.E., E. Smyrou, M. Alaboz, M.N. Yavuzer, C. Demir, M. Comert, A. Ilki, “Open-air cyclic testing of a large-scale stone masonry specimen,” 7th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Pavia, 6-8 September, 2017.


B151. Demir, C., M. Comert, P. Inci, S. Dusak, A. Ilki, “Seismic assessment and reha5ilitation of Hirka-i Serif Mosque,” 3rd International Conference on Protection of Historical Constructions, PROHITEC 2017, Lisbon, 12-15 July, 2017.


B150. Ahunbay, Z., G. Altay, G. Arun, O. Aldemir, Z. Celep, M.A. Erberik, A. Ilki, F. Kuran, Z.G. Unal, F. Akoz, N. Olgun, M. Simsek, Y. Kaya, Y. Ucar, “Preparation of a guideline for earthquake risk management of historical structures in Turkey,” 3rd International Conference on Protection of Historical Constructions, PROHITEC 2017, Lisbon, 12-15 July, 2017.


B149. Inci, P., C. Goksu, U. Demir, A. Ilki, “Ambient vibration testing of a 3-storey substandard RC building at different levels of structural seismic damage,” International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Reykjavik, 12-14 July, 2017.


B148. Saribas, I., C. Goksu, A. Ilki, “Seismic performance of full-scale recycled aggregate concrete columns,” COMPDYN 2017, Rhodes Island, 15-17 June 2017.


B147. Ilki, A., E. Tore, C. Demir, M. Comert, “Code based performance prediction for a full-scale FRP retrofitted building test,” 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and the 2nd National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology-6CNIS & 2CNISS, Bucharest, 14-17 June, 2017. (invited lecture).


B146. Tore, E., M. Comert, C. Demir, A. Ilki, “Collapse testing of full-scale RC buildings with or without seismic retrofit of columns with FRP jackets,” TU1207 End of Action Conference, Budapest, 3-5 April, 2017.


B145. Dalgic, K.D., M.A.N. Hendriks, W. Broere, A. Ilki, “A case study: settlement response of the historic Hoca Pasha Mosques to a deep circular shaft excavation,” ECCOMAS Thematic Conference 2017: Computational Methods in Tunnelling – EURO:TUN 2017, Innsbruck, 18-20 April, 2017.


B144. Ugurlu, K., C. Demir, M. Comert, K.D. Dalgic, A. Ilki, “Full-scale seismic testing of a building constructed with AAC panels,” 16th WCEE 2017, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, 9-13 January, 2017.


B143. Akalp, S., K. Orakcal, H. Lus, A. Ilki, U. Ersoy,  “A simplified preliminary design method for low-to-medium rise reinforced concrete buildings,” 16th WCEE 2017, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, 9-13 January, 2017.


B142. Ates, A.O., E. Tore, S. Khoshkholghi, A. Ilki, “Sprayed textile reinforced GFRC for retrofitting of sub-standard non-circular concrete columns,” 16th WCEE 2017, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, 9-13 January, 2017.


B141. Seyhan, E.C., I. Saribas, C. Goksu, A. Ilki, “Seismic response of AFRP retrofitted pre-damaged and undamaged substandard RC columns in weak-axis direction, CICE2016, Hong Kong, December, 2016.


B140. Akbaba, M., C. Demir, M. Comert, E. Binbir, A. Ilki, “FRP jacketing of sub-standard RC columns with extended cross-sections for improved seismic performance,” Cinpar 2016, XII International Conference on Structural Repair and Rehabilitation, Porto, 26-29 October, 2016.


B139. Ilki, A., C. Demir, M. Comert, “Seismic Retrofit using FRP Reinforcement - Research and Application,” International Workshop on RC FRP Seismic Retrofitting, Lyon, 19-20 September, 2016. (keynote lecture).


B138. Gurbuz, T., A. Ilki, D.P. Thambiratnam, N. Perera, “Effects of loading rate on impact response of axially loaded reinforced concrete members and performance enhancement by AFRP,” SEMC 2016, The 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, 5-7 September, 2016.


B137. Demir, C., M. Comert, A. Ilki, P.O. Celik, “Seismic assessment and rehabilitation of XVth century Kucuk Mustafa Pasa Bath,” SEMC 2016, The 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, 5-7 September, 2016.


B136. Ilki, A., C. Demir, M. Comert, “Seismic Retrofit using FRP Reinforcement - Research and Application,” International Workshop on RC FRP Seismic Retrofitting, Lyon, 19-20 September, 2016. (keynote lecture). 

B135. Kaya, E., Y.S. Cavunt, D. Cavunt, M. Ispir, A. Ilki, “Flexural Retrofit of Support Regions of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Anchored FRP Ropes under Reversed Cyclic Loading,” Second International Conference on Performance-Based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2015), Brisbane, 9-11 December, 2015. 

B134. Gurbuz, T., A. Ilki, D.P. Thambiratnam, N. Perera, “AFRP Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Columns Against Impact Loading,” Second International Conference on Performance-Based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2015), Brisbane, 9-11December, 2015. 

B133. Bal, I.E., E. Smyrou, B. Gunes, A. Ilki, “Mitigating Seismic Risks in Historical Masonry: An Example Project,” 2nd ATC-SEI Conference on Improving Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures, San Francisco, September 27 - October 1, 2015. 

B132. Ghatte, H.F., M. Comert, C. Demir, A. Ilki, “Performances of FRP Confinement Models for Predicting the Behavior of Full-Scale FRP Retrofitted Columns under Simulated Seismic Actions,” FRPRCS-12 and APFIS 2015 Joint Conference, Nanjing, December, 2015. 

B131. Akbas, T.T., O.C. Celik, C. Yalcin, A. Ilki, “Monotonic and Cyclic Bond Behavior of Deformed CFRP Bars in High Strength Concrete,” SMAR 2015, Third Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation, Antalya, September, 2015. 

B130. Ghatte, H.F., M. Comert, C. Demir, A. Ilki, “Seismic Performance of Full-scale FRP Retrofitted Substandard Rectangular RC Columns Loaded in the Weak Direction,” ACE 2015, Advances in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vietri Sul Mare, June, 2015. 

B129. Tore, E., M. Comert, C. Demir, M. Marasli, A. Ilki, “Seismic Retrofit of Columns using Basalt Mesh Reinforced Sprayed GFRC Jacket,” GRC Association Congress, Dubai, April, 2015. 

B128. Ispir, M., D.K. Dalgic, S. Hajihosseinlou, M. Marasli, A. Ilki, “Long-term Deformation Monitoring of Façade Panels under Ambient Conditions,” GRC Association Congress, Dubai, April, 2015. 

B127. Ispir, M., C. Demir, A. Ilki, N. Kumbasar, “An Outline of the Seismic Damages of Several Monumental Structures in Istanbul after Historical Earthquakes,” Workshop on Seismic Risk of Historical Structures, November, 2014. (invited lecture). 

B126. Ilki, A., C. Demir, M. Ispir, P.E. Mezrea, I.A. Yilmaz, M. Comert, E. Bal, O. Ozel, “Recent ITU Research on Behavior and Retrofit of Historical Masonry and Implementation on monumental structures,” Protection of Cultural Heritage Symposium, Istanbul, November, 2014. (invited lecture). 

B125. Ilki, A., “Current State of Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting in Turkey,” International Seminar on Seismic Design, Retrofitting and Good Practices of Building Construction for Safer Cities, Dhaka, September, 2014. (invited lecture). 

B124. Comert, M., C. Demir, H.F. Ghatte, and A. Ilki, “Seismic Performance of Full-Scale FRP Confined Sub-Standard Columns Subjected to High Axial Load,”CICE2014, Vancouver, August, 2014. 

B123. Comert, M., S. Hajihosseinlou, A. Nasrinpour, A.O. Ates, C. Demir, M. Marasli, and A. Ilki, “Seismic Retrofit of Sub-standard RC Columns through Basalt Mesh Reinforced Sprayed GFRC Jacketing,” FRC 2014 Joint ACI-fib International Wokshop, Montreal, July, 2014. 

B122. Yilmaz, I.A., P.E. Mezrea, M. Ispir, I.E. Bal, and A. Illki, “Confinement of historical brick masonry piers with basalt TRM,” PROHITEC-2014, the Second International Coference on Protection of Historical Constructions, Antalya, May, 2014. 

B121. Ilki, A., C. Demir and M. Comert, “Retrofit of RC Joints with FRP Composites,” APFIS 2013, the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP Structures, Melbourne, December, 2013. (keynote lecture). 

B120. Yilmaz, I.A., P.E. Mezrea, M. Ispir, I.E. Bal and A. Ilki, “External Confinement of Brick Masonry Columns with Open-Grid Basalt Reinforced Mortar,” APFIS 2013, the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP Structures, Melbourne, December, 2013. 

B119. Ilki, A., C. Demir, M. Comert, and K. Kusunoki, “Evaluation of Seismic Damage Assessment Methodologies Based on Field Observations, Test Results and Analytical Studies,” 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, 2013. (keynote lecture). 

B118. Hibino, Y., H. Watanabe, K. Kusunoki, A. Tasai, N. Muneyoshi, M. Tapan and A. Ilki, “Seismic Performance of Damaged RC Buildings in 2011 Van Earthquakes,” 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, 2013. 

B117. Kusunoki, K., Y. Hibino, H. Watanabe, A. Tasai, M. Numada, M. Tapan and A. Ilki, “Outline of Field Investigation for 2011 Van Earthquakes,” 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, 2013. 

B116. Saribas, I., Ispir, M., M.E. Sahin, and A. Ilki, “Influence of Different Transverse Reinforcement Details on the Axial Behavior RC Columns,” 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, 2013. 

B115. Ilki, A., C. Demir, and K. Ugurlu, “An Overview of Seismic Performance of Buildings Constructed with Reinforced AAC Panels,” Proc. Sustainable Building Concepts in Earthquake Regions & Energy Efficient Buildings, Istanbul, 2013. (invited paper). 

B114. Garcia, R., I. Hajirasouliha, K. Pilakoutas, Y. Helal, Y. Jemaa, M. Guadagnini, M. Petkovski, P. Mongabure, M.A. Ciupala, N. Kyriakides, C.Z. Chrysostomou, A. Ilki, S. Saiidi, L. Torres, N. Taranu, and M. Budescu, “Shake Table Tests on Deficient RC Buildings Strengthened Using Post-tensioned metal straps,” in Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures, ed. A. Ilki and M.N. Fardis, Springer, 2014. 

B113. Yakut, A., A. Erberik, A. Ilki, H. Sucuoglu, and S. Akkar, “Rapid Seismic Assessment Procedures for the Turkish Building Stock,” in Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures, ed. A. Ilki and M.N. Fardis, Springer, 2014. 

B112. Al-Gohi, B.H., C. Demir, A. Ilki, M.H. Baluch, and M.K. Rahman, “Assessing Seismic Vulnerability of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Using Elasto-plastic Damage Modeling,in Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures, ed. A. Ilki and M.N. Fardis, Springer, 2014. 

B111. Ahmed, D., M.H. Baluch, M.K. Rahman, and A. Ilki, “Finite Element Modeling of Seismic Performance of Low Strength Concrete Exterior Beam-Column Joints,” in Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures, ed. A. Ilki and M.N. Fardis, Springer, 2014. 

B110. Goksu, C., A. Uzunhasanoglu, E.C. Seyhan, and A. Ilki, “Seismic Retrofit of Sub-Standard RC Columns with Embedded Aramid FRP Reinforcement,” SMAR2013 Second Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures,Istanbul, 2013. 

B109. Ugurlu, K., C. Demir, and A. Ilki, “Seismic Assessment of a School Building Constructed with AAC Panels and Experienced 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake,” SMAR2013 Second Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Istanbul, 2013. 

B108. Goksu, C., A. Ilki, and Y. Akkaya, “Destructive and Nondestructive Evaluation of Corrosion of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete,” SMAR2013 Second Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Istanbul, 2013. 

B107. Al-Gohi, B.H., M.H. Baluch, M.K. Rahman, A. Ilki and C. Demir, “Behavior of Heritage Masonry Walls Retrofitted with CFRP Sheets,” SMAR2013 Second Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Istanbul, 2013. 

B106. Saribas, I., M. Ispir, and A. Ilki, “Effects of Sub-standard Detailing of Transverse Reinforcement on the Behavior of Square RC Columns,” The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Jeju (Korea), 2013. 

B105. Boduroglu, H., P. Ozdemir, E. Binbir, and A. Ilki, “Seismic Damage Assessment Methodology Developed for Turkish Compulsory Insurance System,” The 9 th Annual International Conference of the International Institute of Infrastructure Renewal and Reconstruction, Brisbane, 2013. 

B104. Ghaffari, P., A. Kalyoncuoglu, C. Goksu, and A. Ilki, “An Attempt to Repair Corrosion Damaged Reinforced Concrete Columns Using a Low-cost Method,” VEESD2013, Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vienna, 2013. 

B103. Demir, C., E. Dogu, M. Ispir, and A. Ilki, “Seismic Behavior of Ottoman Empire Classical Period Stone Masonry Walls,” 10CUEE Tenth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, 2013. (Best Presentation Award to C. Demir). 

B102.Ilki, A., and M. Ispir, “Strengthening and Seismic Retrofitting of RC and Masonry Structures with Advanced Composites,” Ninth International Concrete Conference and Exhibition for Sustainable Construction, Bahrain, 2013. (Keynote Lecture). 

B101.Goksu, C., P. Inci, and A. Ilki, “The Bond-Slip Behavior of Extremely Low Strength RC Columns with Corroded Plain Reinforcing Bars,” First International Conference on Performance-Based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2012), Hong Kong, 2012. 

B100. Ilki, A., M. Comert, C. Demir, K. Orakcal, M. Tapan, and N. Kumbasar, “Performance Based Rapid Seismic Assessment Method (PERA) for Existing RC Frames,” First International Conference on Performance-Based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2012), Hong Kong, 2012. 

B99..Comert, M., and A. Ilki, “Effects of CFRP Confinement of Columns on Structural Performance against Blast,” First International Conference on Performance-Based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2012), Hong Kong, 2012. 

B98.Dalgic, D., M. Ispir, E. Binbir, and A. Ilki, “Effects of Pre-damage on Axial Behavior of CFRP Jacketed Non-Circular Members,” Conference on Civil Engineering Infrastructure Based on Polymer Composites, Krakow, 2012. 

B97.Kalyoncuoglu, A., P. Ghaffari, C. Goksu, and A. Ilki, “Rehabilitation of Corrosion-Damaged Sub-Standard RC Columns using FRP Sheets,” International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure Engineering (ICACIE 2012), Changsha, 2012. 

B96.Gurbuz, T., and Ilki, A. “Performance of Closely Installed Anchor Pairs in Low Strength Concrete under Tension,” Fourth International Symposium Bond in Concrete, Brescia, 2012. 

B95.Cosgun, C., M. Comert, C. Demir, and A. Ilki, “FRP Retrofıt of a Full-scale 3D RC Frame,” 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Rome, 2012. 

B94. Ilki, A., Kusunoki, K., C. Demir, M. Comert, K. Orakcal, M. Tapan, A. Tasai, “Turkish-Japanese Joint Reconnaissance Studiesafter Van Earthquakes” Workshop to Commemorate 60 Years ofCollaboration between Japan and Turkey inEarthquake Engineering, Istanbul, 2012. 

B93.Comert, M., and A. Ilki, “Seismic Retrofit of a Typical Reinforced Concrete Building through FRP Jacketing of Extended Rectangular Columns,” SixthInternational Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, ACMBS-VI, Kingston, Ontorio, 2012. 

B92.Demir, C., A. Aydogmus, and A. Ilki, “Short Term Creep Tests of Low Strength Rectangular Concrete Members Jacketed with Carbon FRP Sheets,” APFIS 2012, the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP Structures, Hokkaido, February, 2012. 

B91.Ilki, A., K. Orakcal, M. Tapan, C. Demir, M. Comert, Y. Tuncel, K. Kusunoki, and A. Tasai, “Lessons Learnt From 2011 Van Earthquakes in Turkey in Terms of Structural Engineering,” Joint Conference Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering/ 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, March, 2012. 

B90. Kusunoki, K., A. Tasai, Y. Hibino, H. Watanabe, Y. Numa, M. Tapan, A. Ilki, “Quick Report of 2011 Van Earthquake,” International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the Giant Earthquake, Tokyo, March, 2012. 

B89. Dalgic, K.D., M. Ispir, O. Ozel, and A. Ilki, “GFRP Retrofitted RC Frames with Columns Subjected to High Axial Stresses,” SMAR2011, First Middle East Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Dubai, UAE, February, 2011. 

B88. Akgun, D., C. Demir and A. Ilki, “Axial Behavior of FRP Jacketed Extended Rectangular Members Constructed with Low Strength Concrete,” 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Beijing, September, 2010. 

B87Ispir, M., K.D. Dalgic, C. Sengul, F. Kuran, M.A. Tasdemir and A. Ilki, “Modulus of Elasticity of Low Strength Concrete,” 9th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, September, 2010. 

B86.Comert, M., C. Goksu, C. Cosgun, M. Ozubek and A. Ilki, “Increasing Deformability of FRP Confined Low and Medium Strength Concrete through a Cement Based Mortar Layer,” 9th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, September, 2010. 

B85. Ä°spir, M., and A. Ä°lki, “Compressive Behavior of Historical Masonry Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loads,” International Workshop on Preservation of Heritage Structures using ACM and SHM, Ottowa, August, 2010. 

B84. Ispir, M., K.D. Dalgic, C. Sengul, F. Kuran, M.A. Tasdemir and A. Ilki, “Modulus of Elasticity of Low Strength Concrete,” 9th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, September, 2010. 

B83. Comert, M., C. Goksu, C. Cosgun, M. Ozubek and A. Ilki, “Increasing Deformability of FRP Confined Low and Medium Strength Concrete through a Cement Based Mortar Layer,” 9th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, September, 2010. 

B82. Ä°spir, M., and A. Ä°lki, “Compressive Behavior of Historical Masonry Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loads,” International Workshop on Preservation of Heritage Structures using ACM and SHM, Ottowa, August, 2010. 

B81. Ä°spir, M., H. Özkaynak, E. Yüksel, and A. Ä°lki, “Diagonal Tension Tests of Hollow Brick Walls Retrofitted with CFRP,” Turkish Saudi Workshop on Structural and Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, June, 2010. 

B80. Göksu, Ç., A. Ä°lki, and N. Kumbasar, “Failure Mechanisms of Old and New Type RC Columns after Reinforcement Corrosion,” TCCE-JSCE/TR-JSCE Joint Symposium on Concrete Engineering, Istanbul, June, 2010. 

B79. Comert, M., C. Goksu, and A. Ä°lki, “Towards a Tailored Stress-Strain Behavior for FRP Confined Low Strength Concrete,” fib Congress, Washington DC, May, 2010. 

B78. Gedik, O., C. Demir, and A. Ilki, “Effect of Unconfined Concrete Strength on the Strength and Deformability Predictions of FRP Confined Concrete,” Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS 2009), Seoul, December, 2009. 

B77. Ilki, A. “Earthquakes, Existing Buildings and Seismic Design Codes in Turkey,” 11th Arab Structural Engineering Conference, Dhahran, October, 2009, (invited paper). 

B76. Karadogan, F., S. Pala, A. Ilki, E. Yuksel, W. Mowrtage, P. Teymur, G. Erol, K. Taskin, and R. Comlek. “Improved Infill Walls and Rehabilitation of Existing Low Rise Buildings,” Seismic Risk Assessment and Retrofitting, Springer, 2009. 

B75. Comert, M., and A. Ilki, “Blast Resistance Assessment of a Typical Public Building in Turkey,” International Conference UACEG 2009: Science & Practice, Sofia, 2009. 

B74. Karatuna, Y., K. Okazaki and A. Ilki, “Comparison of Earthquake Risk Perception of Central and Local Government Authorities in Turkey,” Sakarya International Symposium of Earthquake Engineering, Sakarya, October, 2009. 

B73. Goksu, C., E. Binbir, A. Ilki and N. Kumbasar, “Seismic Behavior of RC Columns with Corroded Deformed Reinforcing Bars,” Asian Pasific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering, ANCER Workshop 2009, Illinois, USA, August, 2009. 

B72. Comert, M., C. Goksu and A. Ilki, “External Confinement of Concrete with Post-Tensioned GFRP Sheets-A Pilot Study,” FRPRCS-9, Sydney, Australia, 2009. 

B71. Ispir, M., C. Demir, A. Ilki and N. Kumbasar, “ Evaluation of Test Methods for Seismic Safety Assessment of Masonry Buildings,” 8th International Seminar on Structural Masonary, ISSM08, Istanbul, 2008. 

B70. Okazaki, K., A. Ilki, N. Ahmad, R.C. Kandel and H. Rahayu, “Seismic Risk Perception of People for Safer Housing,” 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 14WCEE, Beijing, China, 2008. 

B69. Goksu, C., B. Demirtas, C. Demir, A. Ilki and N. Kumbasar, “Seismic Behavior of Low Strength RC Columns with Corroded Plain Reinforcing Bars,” 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 14WCEE, Beijing, China, 2008. 

B68. Bedirhanoglu, I., A. Ilki, O. Incecik and N. Kumbasar, “Retrofit of Concrete Panels with Prefabricated HPFRCC Plates,” 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 14WCEE, Beijing, China, 2008. 

B67. Ilki, A., M. Ispir, F. As, C. Demir and N. Kumbasar, “FRP Retrofit of Walls Constructed with Historical Bricks,” Challanges for Civil Construction, CCC2008, Porto, 2008. 

B66. Ilki, A., I. Bedirhanoglu and N. Kumbasar, “Seismic Retrofit of Beam-Column Joints with FRP Sheets,” Fifth International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, ACMBS-V, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2008. 

B65. Ilki, A., C. Demir and N. Kumbasar, “Effects of Pre-damage and cyclic compression on axial behavior of FRP jacketed concrete,” Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures, Hong Kong, 2007. 

B64. Gurbuz, T., Y. Kaya, A. Ilki and N. Kumbasar, “Pullout Performance of Retrofit Adhesive Anchors in Low Strength Concrete,” Connections between Steel and Concrete, 2nd Symposium on Connections between Steel and Concrete, Eligehausen, R.; Fuchs, W.; Genesio, G; Grosser, Stuttgart, 2007. 

B63. Demir, C., D. Acar, S.O. Terzi, M. Ispir, B. Demirtas, A. Ilki and N. Kumbasar, “Preliminary Structural Assessment of Kariye Monument-Northern Annex”, Int. Symp. Studies on Historical Heritage, Antalya, 2007. 

B62. Ilki, A., I. Bedirhanoglu, Y. Candan and N. Kumbasar, “Retrofit of Low Strength Concrete Panels with Frp Sheets,” FRPRCS-8, Patras, 2007. 

B61. Ilki, A., C. Goksu, C. Demir and N. Kumbasar, “ Seismic Analysis of a RC Frame Building with FRP Retrofitted Infill Walls,” 6th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics for Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS-6, Catania, 2007. 

B60. Ilki, A., E.C. Seyhan and N. Kumbasar, “Pull-out Behavior of Chemically Bonded Deformed Bars Typically Used During Structural Retrofitting,” 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottowa, 2007. 

B59. Ilki, A., M. Ispir, C. Demir, E. Karamuk, F. As, N. Cini, M. Aydin, G. Toponder, T. Tulun, N. Kumbasar and S. Akman, “Seismic Safety of a Historical Row House Complex Built during Ottoman Period,” 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottowa, 2007. 

B58. Kuran, F., C. Demir, O. Koroglu, C. Kocaman and A. Ilki, “S eismic Safety Analysis of an Existing 1502 Type Disaster Building Using New Version of Turkish Seismic Design Code,” ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, 2007. 

B57. Ilki, A., O. Peker, E. Karamuk and N.Kumbasar, “External Confinement of Low-Strength Brittle Reinforced Concrete Short Columns,”, in ACI-SP-238, eds. Y. Xiao, S. Kunnath and W. Yi, American Concrete Institute, 363-380, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2006. (28 papers were selected after review of 60 papers presented in International Symposium on Confined Concrete (ISSC-2004) held at Hunan University, Changsha, China, according to the poicies of American Concrete Institute). 

B56. Ilki, A., D. Akgun, R.O. Goray, C. Demir, N. Kumbasar, “ Seismic Strengthening of Low Strength Concrete Columns by External Confinement using Prefabricated SFRCC Panels,” 19th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Canterbury, 2006. 

B55. Ilki, A., I. Bedirhanoglu, I.H. Basegmez, C. Demir, N. Kumbasar, “Shear Retrofit of Low Strength Reinforced Concrete Short Columns with GFRP Composites,” 3rd International Conference on Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2006), Miami, 2006. 

B54. Ilki, A., M. Ispir, C. Demir, N. Kumbasar, S. Akman, “An Outline of the Seismic Behavior of Historical Structures in North Western Anatolia,” International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC2006), New Delhi, 2006. 

B53. Ä°lki, A., Ä°. Bedirhanoglu, C. Demir, N. Kumbasar, “Prediction of the Behavior of FRP Confined RC Columns under Axial Load and Flexure,” 2nd International fib Congress, Naples, 2006. 

B52. Ä°lki, A., C. Demir, C. Goksu, N. Kumbasar, “Prefabricated SFRC Panels for Occupant Friendly Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Columns,” 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 2006. 

B51. Goksu, C., C. Demir, K. Darilmaz, A. Ilki, N. Kumbasar, “Static Nonlinear Analysis of a Retrofitted Typical Reinforced Concrete Building in Turkey,” 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 2006. 

B50. Erol, G., C. Demir, A. Ilki, E. Yuksel, F. Karadogan, “Effective Strengthening of RC Frames with and without Lap Splice Problems,” 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 2006. 

B49. Ä°lki, A., C. Demir, D. Akgün, O. Göray, N. Kumbasar, “Retrofit of Concrete Members with Externally Bonded Prefabricated SFRCC Jackets,” 16th European Conference on Fracture, Greece, 2006. 

B48. Köksal, F., A. Ä°lki, F. Bayramov, M.A. Tasdemir, “Mechanical Behavior and Optimum Design of SFRC Plates,” 16th European Conference on Fracture, Greece, 2006. 

B47 . Ä°lki, A., E. Karamuk, O. Peker, N. Kumbasar, “Axial Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columns Jacketed with FRP Composites,” Nato Workshop on Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, Istanbul, 2005. [Daha sonra kitap olarak basıldı: Ilki, A., O. Peker, E. Karamuk, C. Demir, N. Kumbasar, “Axial Behavior of RC Columns Retrofitted with FRP Composites,” in Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction, eds. T. Wasti and G. Ozcebe, NATO Science Series, 301-316, Springer, Netherlands, 2006.] 

B46. Yuksel, E., A. Ä°lki, G. Erol, C. Demir, F. KaradoÄŸan, “Seismic Retrofit of Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames with CFRP Composites,” Nato Workshop on Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, Istanbul, 2005. [Daha sonra kitap olarak basıldı: Yuksel, E., A. Ilki, A., G. Erol, C. Demir and F. Karadogan, “Seismic Retrofit of Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames with CFRP Composites,” in Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction, eds. T. Wasti and G. Ozcebe, NATO Science Series, 285-300, Springer, Netherlands, 2006.] 

B45. Ä°lki, A., C. Demir, Ä°. BedirhanoÄŸlu, N. Kumbasar, “Flexural Behavior of FRP Jacketed Reinforced Concrete Columns,” Proc.Third International Conference on Composites in Construction, Lyon, 2005. 

B44. Ä°lki, A., K. Darılmaz, C. Demir, Ä°. BedirhanoÄŸlu, N. Kumbasar, “Non-linear Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building with FRP Jacketed Columns,” Proc. fib Symposium Keep Concrete Attractive, Budapest, 2005. 

B43. Demir, C., A. Ä°lki, N. Kumbasar, “Moment-Curvature Relationships for Columns Jacketed with FRP Composites,” Proc. fib Symposium Keep Concrete Attractive, Budapest, 2005. 

B42. Özkul, H., A. Ä°lki, “Polymeric Materials and Composites for Repairing and Retrofitting,” Proc. Third International Conference on Construction Materials, Vancouver, 2005. 

B41 . Ilki, A., N. Kumbasar, “Reinforced Concrete Columns Retrofitted with Innovative Materials,” Proc. International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Kobe, 2005. 

B40 . Ilki, A., V. Koc, O. Peker, N. Kumbasar, “Strengthening of RC Columns with Inadequate Reinforcement,” Proc. FRP Composites in Civil Engineering CICE 2004, Adelaide, 2004. 

B39 . Sagbas, G., A. Ilki, B. Ergun, M.A. Tasdemir, M. Aydogan and M.O. Altan, “Experiments on RC Slabs Strengthed by Anchor Bolted Concrete,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 2004. 

B38 . Köksal, F., A. Ilki, F. Bayramov and M.A. Tasdemir, “Deformation and Fracture of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concretes,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 2004. 

B37 . Bedirhanoglu, Ä°. and A. Ilki, “Theoretical Moment-Curvature Relationships for Reinforced Concrete Members and Comparison with Experimental Data,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 2004. 

B36 . Ä°lki, A., A. Tezcan, V. Koç ve N. Kumbasar, “Seismic Retrofit of Non-ductile Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns by CFRP Jacketing ,” Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, 2004. 

B35 . Ä°lki, A., E. Yılmaz, C. Demir ve N. Kumbasar, “Prefabricated SFRC Jackets for Seismic Retrofit of Non-ductile Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns ,” Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, 2004. 

B34 . Takahashi, A., S. Tago, A. Ä°lki, T. Okada, “Seismic Capacity Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Turkey (Effect of Retrofit),” Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, 2004. 

B33 . BoduroÄŸlu, H., P. Özdemir, A. Ä°lki, S. Åžirin, C. Demir, F. Baysan, “Towards a Modified Rapid Screening Method for Existing Medium Rise RC Buildings in Turkey,” Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, 2004. 

B32 . Ä°lki, A., C. Demir ve N. Kumbasar, “ Inelastic Behaviour of RC Jacketed Damaged Concrete Sections under Reversed Cyclic Flexure ,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, 2004. 

B31. Ä°lki, A., C. Demir ve N. Kumbasar, “ Effect of Confined Concrete Stress-Strain Model on the Moment-Curvature Relationships of Reinforced Concrete Members ,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, 2004. 

B30 . Bayramov, F., A. Ä°lki, C. TaÅŸdemir, M.A. TaÅŸdemir ve M. Yerlikaya, “ An Optimum Design for Steel Fiber Reinforced Concretes under Cyclic Loading,” Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vail Colorado, 2004. 

B29 . Bayramov, F., T. Aydöner, A. Ä°lki, C. TaÅŸdemir ve M.A. TaÅŸdemir, “ SFRCs for Concrete Roads in Heavily Trafficked Situations ,” Proc. 9th Int. Symposium on Concrete Roads, Ä°stanbul, 2004. 

B28 . Taskin, B., P. Ozdemir, A. Sezen, C. Vatansever, A. Ilki, S. Taskin, H. Boduroglu, “Critical Review on the Statistical Evaluation of the Data Collected on Building Type Structures in Kaynasli City after 1999 Duzce Earthquake ,” Proc. 11th Int. Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 2004. 

B27 . Ä°lki, A., V. Koç, B. Ergun, M.O. Altan, N. Kumbasar, “ Photogrammetrically Measured Deformations of FRP Wrapped Low Strength Concrete,” Proc. 6th Int. Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Singapore, Vol. I, 673-682, World Scientific, Singapore, 2003. 

B26 . KaradoÄŸan, F., E. Yüksel, A. Ä°lki, “ Structural Behaviour of Ordinary RC Bare and Brittle Partitioned Frames with and without Lap Splice Deficiency,” Proc. of the NATO Science for Peace Workshop on Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, Ä°zmir, 335-356, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003. 

B25 . Akkaya, Y., A. Ä°lki, M.A. TaÅŸdemir ve N. Kumbasar, “ Self-Compacting Concrete for Light Weight Slabs with 3-D Reinforcement,” Proc. 1st N. American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Evanston, 457-467, 2002. 

B24 . TaÅŸdemir, M.A., A. Ä°lki, ve M. Yerlikaya, “ Mechanical Behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Used in Hydraulic Structures,” Proc. International Conference on Hydropower and Dams, Antalya, 159-166, 2002. 

B23 . Özyurt, N., A. Ä°lki, C. TaÅŸdemir, M. Yerlikaya ve M.A. TaÅŸdemir, “ Mechanical Behaviour of High Strength Steel Fiber Reinforced Concretes with Various Steel Fiber Content,” Proc. 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. II, 885-894, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 2002. 

B22 . Ä°lki, A., N. Kumbasar ve V. Koç, “ Effect of Shape of Cross-section for CFRP Wrapped Concrete,” Proc. 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, on CD, Paper No:020, Elsevier, Oxford, 2002. 

B21 . Özdemir, P, B. TaÅŸkın, C. Vatansever, A. Sezen, A. Ä°lki ve H.BoduroÄŸlu, “ November 12, 1999 Duzce Earthquake : Reconnaissance Report for the Town of Kaynasli,” Proc. 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, on CD, Paper No:342, Elsevier, Oxford, 2002. 

B20 . Ä°lki, A., N. Kumbasar ve V. Koç, “ Strength and Deformability of Low Strength Concrete Confined by Carbon Fiber Composite Sheets ,” Proc. ASCE 15th Engineering Mechanics Conference, New York, on CD, Paper No:101, Columbia University, New York, 2002. 

B19 . Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “ Strengthening of Damaged Concrete Members by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites,” Proc. International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, Vol. I, 781-788, Elsevier, Oxford, 2001. 

B18 . Ä°lki, A.“ An Overview of Fire and Emergency Services in Japan, Australia and New Zealand,” Proc. International Workshop on the Restructuring of Turkish Fire Brigades under the Light of International Experiences, Ä°stanbul, 115-136, Ä°TÜ Press, Ä°stanbul, 2001. 

B17 . Yentürk, N., A. Ünlü, E. Tarı ve A. Ä°lki, “ A Model Proposal for the Restructuring of Turkish Fire Administration,” Proc. International Workshop on the Restructuring of Turkish Fire Brigades under the Light of International Experiences, Ä°stanbul, 175-207, Ä°TÜ Press, Ä°stanbul, 2001. 

B16 . Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “ Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Members Rehabilitated and Strengthened by Using Carbon Fiber Sheets,” Proc. 2nd International Conference on Engineering Materials, San Jose, Vol. II, 483-492, CSCE/JSCEE, Montreal/Tokyo, 2001. 

B15 . BoduroÄŸlu, H, B. TaÅŸkın, P. Özdemir, A. Sezen, A. Ä°lki, C. Vatansever, Y. Durgun, H. Atahan ve D. Güney, “ Damage Survey in the Town of Kaynasli After November 12th Düzce Earthquake,” Proc. Seminar on Earthquake Hazards and Countermeasures for Existing Fragile Buildings, Bucharest, 237-243, Independent Film, Bucharest, 2000. 

B14. Ä°lki, A., N. Kumbasar ve Ö. Abit, “ Experimental and Theoretical Energy Dissipation of CFRP Wrapped Concrete,” Proc. Technology Transfer Seminar on Advanced FRP Materials for Civil Structures, Bologna, Ceb/Fip, 2000. 

B13. Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “ Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members,” Proc. 4th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, GazimaÄŸusa, Vol. I, 269-276, Bizim Büro Basımevi, Ankara, 2000. 


B13. Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “Marmara and Duzce Earthquakes in Turkey-Structural Damage,” Proc. ASCE 14thEngineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, on CD, University of Texas, Austin, 2000.


B12. Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “Hysteresis Model for Reinforced Concrete Members,” Proc. ASCE 14thEngineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, on CD, University of Texas, Austin, 2000.


B11. Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “Theoretical and Experimental Energy Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete,” Proc. 3rdJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. I, 167-177, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 2000.


B10. TaÅŸkın, B., P. Özdemir, A. Sezen, A. Ä°lki, C. Vatansever, Y. Durgun, H. Atahan, D. Güney ve H. BoduroÄŸlu, “Damage Investigation in Kaynasli after Duzce Earthquake,” Proc. 3rdJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. II, 187-195, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 2000.


B9. Kumbasar, N. ve A. Ä°lki, “Behavior of Symmetrically Reinforced Concrete Sections under Cyclic Loading,” Proc. UÄŸur Ersoy Symposium on Structural Engineering, Ankara, 177-201, METU Press, Ankara, 1999.


B8. Ä°lki, A., P. Özdemir ve T. Fukuta, “Observed Behavior of Confined Concrete under Compression,” Proc. 11thEuropean Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, on CD, Elsevier, Oxford, 1998.


B7. Yüksel, E., A. Ä°lki ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “Strengthening of Reinforced Brittle Masonry,” Proc. 11thEuropean Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, on CD, Elsevier, Oxford, 1998.


B6. Ä°lki, A., K. Darılmaz, Ä°. Bakan, M. Zorbozan, E. Yüksel, H. Saruhan ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “Jacketing of Prefabricated Columns,” Proc. 2ndJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. I, 329-336, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 1998.


B5. Ä°lki, A., K. Darılmaz, E. Yüksel ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “Upgraded and/or Strengthened Slab Elements,” Proc. 2ndJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. I, 545-550, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 1998.


B4. Yüksel, E., A. Ä°lki ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “Brick Masonry Infill Walls Integrated to the Peripheral RC Elements and Strengthening,” Proc. 2ndJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. I, 309-317, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 1998.


B3. Mourtaja, W., E. Yüksel, A. Ä°lki ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “Strengthening and/or Upgrading the RC Frames by means of Special Shotcreted Diaphragms,” Proc. 2ndJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. I, 318-326, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 1998.


B2. Ä°lki, A., P. Özdemir ve T. Fukuta, “Complete Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete under Compression,” Proc. 1stJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. I, 101-111, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 1997.


B1. KaradoÄŸan, F., E. Yüksel ve A. Ä°lki, “Deformability Limits and Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Bare Frames,”Proc. 1stJapan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Ä°stanbul, Vol. I, 53-67, Ä°stanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul, 1997.



National Conference Papers

E21. Ilki, A., C. Demir, S. Türkkan, K. Kolcu ve M. Akbaba, “Lifli Polimer Sargılı Betonun Çevrimli YerdeÄŸiÅŸtirmeler altında Davranışı”, Prof.Dr. Nahit Kumbasar Betonarme Yapılar Semineri (2009), 145-153, Ä°stanbul, 2009. 

E20 . Kumbasar N., A. Ilki, “Deprem YönetmeliÄŸi’ne Göre Lifli Polimer Malzemeler ile Betonarme Elemanların Güçlendirilmesi,” Betonarme Yapılar Semineri (2008), 77-89, Istanbul, 2008. 

E19 . Bedirhanoglu, I, A. Ilki, Y. Candan, M.A. Tasdemir, “Celik Lif Icerigi, Sıcak Kür ve Lif Korozyonunun Cimento Esaslı Yuksek Performansli Kompozitlerin Mekanik Davranisina Etkisi,” Yedinci Ulusal Beton Kongresi, Beton 2007, 215-223, Istanbul, 2007. 

E18. Gürbüz, T., E. Seyhan, A.Ä°lki ve N. Kumbasar, “Güçlendirme Çalışmalarında Kullanılan Kimyasal Ankrajların Eksenel Çekme Altındaki Davranışları”, 6. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, Cilt 1, 649-659, Ä°stanbul, 2007. 

E17 . Eraybar, K., A. Ä°lki ve K. Okazaki, “Avcılar Ä°lçesinde Sismik Risk Algılaması”, 6. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, Cilt 2, 41-51, Ä°stanbul, 2007. 

E16 . Celik, O.C., A. Ä°lki, C. Yalçın ve E. Yuksel, “DoÄŸu ve Batı Avrupa Kentlerinde DeÄŸiÅŸik Tip Binaların Deprem Riskinin Hızlı DeÄŸerlendirilmesi üzerine bir Deneyim”, 6. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, Cilt 2, 297-304, Ä°stanbul, 2007. 

Ä°lki, A., E. Yüksel, C. Demir, A. Tezcan, E. Yılmaz, G. Erol, H. Saruhan ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “Dolgu Duvarlı Çerçevelerde Bindirme Boyu Problemi ve Deneysel bir Ä°nceleme”, Tübitak 2. Yapı MekaniÄŸi Laboratuvarları Toplantısı, 17-20, Konya, 2003. 

Ä°lki, A., A. Tezcan, E. Yılmaz, C. Demir, V. Koç ve N. Kumbasar, “Kolon Sarılma Bölgelerinin Yön DeÄŸiÅŸtiren Tekrarlı EÄŸilme Etkileri Altında Ä°ncelenmesi ve CFRP ile Güçlendirilmesi”, 2. Yapı MekaniÄŸi Laboratuvarları Toplantısı, 11-15, Konya, 2003. 

E15 . Ä°lki, A., H. BoduroÄŸlu, P. Özdemir, F. Baysan, C. Demir ve S. Åžirin, “Mevcut ve GüçlendirilmiÅŸ Yapılar için Sismik Ä°ndeks Yöntemi ve Yapısal Çözümleme Sonuçlarının KarşılaÅŸtırılması”, 5. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, CD-ROM, Bildiri No: AT-119, Ä°stanbul, 2003. 

E14 . Ä°lki, A., C. Demir, V. Koç, B. Turgut ve N. Kumbasar, “Mantolanmış Hasarlı Betonarme Elemanların Davranışı”, 5. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, CD-ROM, Bildiri No: AT-058, Ä°stanbul, 2003. 

E13 . Özdemir, P., B. TaÅŸkın, C. Vatansever, A. Sezen, A. Ä°lki, D. Güney, H. BoduroÄŸlu ve S. TaÅŸkın, “KaynaÅŸlı’daki Bina Türü Yapılarda Düzce Depremi Sonrası OluÅŸan Hasarın Ä°statistiksel DeÄŸerlendirmesi”, 5. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, CD-ROM, Bildiri No: AT-120, Ä°stan bul, 2003. 

Ä°lki, A., “Türkiye’deki Yapılarda Deprem Hasarları ve Deprem Zararlarını Azaltmaya Yönelik Ä°TÜ Deneysel AraÅŸtırmaları”, Kocaeli’99 Acil Durum Yönetimi Konferansı, CD-ROM, Ä°stanbul, 2003. 

E12 . Ä°lki, A., N. Kumbasar ve B. Boydak, “Kompozitler ile Güçlendirilen Elemanların Eksenel Yükler ve EÄŸilme Etkileri Altında Davranışı”, Prof.Dr. Kemal Özdeni’i Anma Semineri, Yapıların Onarım ve Güçlendirilmesi Alanında GeliÅŸmeler, 1137-154, Ä°stanbul, 2002. 

Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “Karbon Lif Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Yapı Elemanlarının Onarım ve Güçlendirilmesinde Kullanılması”, Tübitak 1. Yapı MekaniÄŸi Laboratuvarları Toplantısı, Ankara, 2001. 

E11 . Ä°lki, A. ve N. Kumbasar, “Karbon Lif Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitler ile Güçlendirilen Kare ve Daire Enkesitli Beton Elemanların Davranışı”, 16. Teknik Kongre, Bildiri No. 14, Ankara, 2001. 

E10 . Kaplan, S.A. ve A. Ä°lki, “ Güçlendirme Öncesi Yapıyı Askıya Alarak Verilen Ters Yük Miktarının Yeni Elemanlara Transferi ”, Mevcut Yapıların Deprem Yüklerine Karşı Güçlendirilmesi ve Çıkmalı Binalardaki Sorunlar Sempozyumu, 229-234, Ä°stanbul, 2001. 

E9 . Özyurt, N., C. TaÅŸdemir, A. Ä°lki, Ö. Åžengül ve M.A. TaÅŸdemir, “Yüksek Dayanımlı Çimento Esaslı Kompozitlerin Mekanik Davranışı”, Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, 687-696, Bolu, 1999. 

E8 . Ä°lki, A., K. Darılmaz, E. Yüksel ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “ Çanak Temele YerleÅŸtirilen Önyapım Kolonların Ä°ki Yönlü Yükler Etkisindeki Davranışları-I ”, Tübitak 2. Deprem Sempozyumu, 97-101, Ankara, 1997. 

E7 . Ä°lki, A., K. Darılmaz, E. Yüksel ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “GüçlendirilmiÅŸ Kalıpsız DöÅŸemeler ”, Tübitak 2. Deprem Sempozyumu, 129-133, Ankara, 1997. 

E6 . Ä°lki, A., K. Darılmaz, E. Yüksel, H. Saruhan ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “ Kalıpsız DöÅŸeme Elemanlarının Sabit ve Yinelenen Yükler Etkisindeki Davranışı ”, Tübitak 2. Deprem Sempozyumu, 117-121, Ankara, 1997. 

E5 . Yüksel, E., A. Ä°lki ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “ Özel Bir Bölme Duvarının Çerçeve Davranışına Etkisi ve Güçlendirme ”, Tübitak 2. Deprem Sempozyumu, 29-33, Ankara, 1997. 

E4 . KaradoÄŸan, F., E. Yüksel, A. Ä°lki, H. Saruhan, K. Darılmaz ve Ö. Güzel, “ Çanak Temele YerleÅŸtirilen Önyapım Kolonların Deprem Davranışı-I ”, 4. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, Ankara, 1997. 

E3 . KaradoÄŸan, F., A. Ä°lki, E. Yüksel ve A. Eröz, “ Mevcut Binalara Kat Eklenmesi ve Bir Öneri ”, Tübitak 1. Deprem Sempozyumu, 175-184, Ankara, 1996. 

E2 . KaradoÄŸan, F., E. Yüksel, E. OrakdöÄŸen, A. Ä°lki ve A. Eröz, “Yinelenen Tekil Yükler Etkisinde Bırakılan Öngerilmeli BoÅŸluklu DöÅŸeme Elemanlar-I”, Turgan Sabis Sempozyumu, 81-92, Ä°stanbul, 1995. 

E1 . Yüksel, E., A. Ä°lki, S. Koyama ve F. KaradoÄŸan, “Küçük TitreÅŸim Ölçümleri ve Yapıların Olası Deprem Davranışları”, 3. Ulusal Deprem MühendisliÄŸi Konferansı, 326-335, Ä°stanbul, 1995. 

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