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Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Structural and Earthquake Engineering


Journal Paper Reviews


1.ACI Structural Journal (SCI)

2.ACI Materials Journal (SCI)

3.ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (SCI)

4.ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (SCI)

5.ASCE Journal of Composites in Construction (SCI) 

6.ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (SCI)

7.Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (SCI)


8.Earthquake Spectra (SCI)


9.Journal of Earthquake Engineering (SCI) 

10.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (SCI)

11.Advances in Structural Engineering (SCI)

12.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (SCI)

13.The Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering (SCI)

14.Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (SCI)

15.Engineering Structures (SCI)

16.Construction and Building Materials (SCI)

17.Structural Engineering and Mechanics (SCI)

18.Teknik Dergi (SCI)

19.Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

20. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering

21.Gazi University Engineering-Architecture Faculty Journal (SCI)

22.Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences (EI)

23.Science and Engineering of Composite Materials

24.International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity

25.Computers and Concrete (SCI)

26.Engineering Failure Analysis (SCI)

27.Composites Part B (SCI)

28. Composite Structures (SCI)

29. Materials and Structures (SCI)

30. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (SCI)

31. Korean Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Civil Engineering (SCI)

32. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology (SCI)

33. International Journal of Forensic Engineering

34. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (SCI)

35. Materials and Design (SCI)

36. New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering Bulletin

37. Disasters (SSCI)

38. Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI)

39. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (SCI)

40. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring

41. Shock and Vibration (SCI)


42. Journal of Building Engineering


43. Advances in Civil Engineering (SCI)


44. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings (SCI)


45. Structures and Buildings (SCI)


46.International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (SCI)


47. Polymer Composites (SCI)


48. Advances in Concrete Construction (SCI)


49.Structures (ESCI)


50.International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering


51.Frontiers in Built Environment (Section: Earthquake Engineering)


52.Frontiers in Materials (Section: Structural Materials)


53.Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering


54.Engineering Science and Technology (ESCI)


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